What Other People Say...
"A.F.Yassin dalam cerpennya "Dendam" berjaya menghidupkan ceritanya dalam bahasa yang berjiwa; sesuai dengan pertentangan-pertentangan yang dialami oleh Salim atau oleh Yanti sendiri. "Plotnya bersifat sorot pergi sebagai satu gaya untuk mengembangkan kisah pada satu detik tetapi menghimbau kisah itu kepada kisah lampau dan juga kisah akan datang. Latarnya di Indonesia. Cerpen ini hidup kerana tidak dibiar berkisar di luar persoalan. Olahan cerpen bepusar keseluruhannya pada watak Yanti..." (Dato' Shahnon Ahmad, Mingguan Malaysia, 14 November 1976.)
" The former editor of a publishing house, A.F.Yassin, recently put out Sembang Sastera: Bersama Orang Persuratan (Fajar Bakti, 1998,310 pages), in which he talks to 64 Malay writers and literary activists of varying stature, who muse on their lives and what they have been up to. Chatty. Frank, nostalgic, irreverent, these conversations are light, in response to A.F.Yassin’s equally casual probing. His target is largely a small and shrinking group of people aged around 60 and above, loyal supporters of the Jawi-scripted Utusan Zaman, in which most of these Sembang-Sembang first appeared.
"Now that these Sembang-Sembang have been romanised, and packed in a handsome hardcover book, more readers , especially literary researchers, local and foreign, can be expected to benefit from them. Of course, the information ranges from the revealing to the trivial, but the book is pertinent as it provides insight on what went on in the world of Malay letters.
"…Sembang Satera is invaluable, especially to students of contemporary Malay literature, because it provides a cauldron of tidbits, with which to spice up the perennially long-overdue assignment.” - (Zakaria Ali, "Notes on Local Literature, fortnightly with Zakaria Ali, New Straits Times, 27 January, 1999."
"Yassin merupakan penulis yang berilmu dalam dua bidang dan seterusnya melibatkan diri dalam tiga dimensi. Bidang-bidang keilmuan dan keahliannya ialah komunikasi dan sastera, sementara kegiatannya dalam bidang penulisan kreatif dan deskriptif dan serentak dengan itu, turut kreatif dalam penghasilan dan penerbitan buku sesuai dengan profesion terkininya." (Asri Affandi, Mingguan Malaysia, 27 Disember 1987.)
"A.F.Yassin dalam bukunya Etika dan Wartawan berpendapat, pemberitaan akhbar di negara ini boleh dikatakan hanya berpandu kepada etika sejagat dan norma serta kebiasaan hidup masyarakat majmuk. Ketiadaan kod etika kewartawanan juga seperti yang ditekan oleh A. Samad Said telah menjadikan akhbar mengamalkan dasar swaying with the wind, bukan merupakan agent of change, serta cenderung menyuarakan dasar dan strategi pihak penerbit suratkabar itu sendiri." (Harakah, 31 Mei 1993.)
Tidak tahu kenapa dia meninggalkan lapangan guru dalam tahun 1962 kemudian sanggup pula menjadi seorang Juruteknik di sebuah kilang tekstil di Johor Bahru. Apakah dia memikirkan kurangnya anak Bumiputra berminat dalam lapangan teknikal atau kerana mula nampak bintangnya lebih mengerdip jika dia meninggalkan lapangan guru?
Yang ternyata sewaktu berada di Textile Corporation of Malaya Berhad Johor Bahru, dia telah dapat mengikuti latihan teknikal di Nagoya, Jepun selama enam bulan dalam tahun 1969. Di Jepun dia baru dapat melihat perbezaan zikap dan tingkah laku manusia pekerja Jepun dengan bangsanya sendiri. Setelah menimba pengalaman di Jepun, tercetus pula keinginannya untuk menulis rencana bersirinya di Utusan Malaysia, Utusan Zaman dan Mingguan Malaysia. Semuanya menceritakan pengalamannya di Jepun.
Kemampuan menulis telah meransangnya menapak ke bidang kerja yang lain. Dia menjadi Penyunting Berita Harian dalam tahun 1971. Semasa di New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd., dia banyak pula menghasilkan cerpen. Dia terus melanjutkan penulisan fiksyen apabila dilantik menjadi Penolong Editor dan kemudiannya meningkat sebagai Editor majalah Dewan Masyarakat.
Melihat kemampuannya menulis artikel dan cerpen di tengah-tengah kesibukannya sebagi seorang Editor, jelaslah kepada kita bahawa seorang editor yang sibuk tidak semestinya tidak boleh menulis. Pokoknya dia tidak mengenal erti kelelahan dan kesibukan bila dia diransang untuk menulis. ("Karyawan Bulan Ini", Dewan Sastera, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, Mac 1983).
Tahniah satu tugas berat telah dapat dilakukan. Tabik spring.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for the job well done. This is something like a dream come true.
ReplyDeleteI just received a copy of the book through a friend who was at the launching ceremony two days ago at our alma mater. Browsing through I notice that I could not remember when was my last moment to step on the Padang, which was gone now. Also I could not recognize those in the pictures except for a few familiar faces like Abang AAB, AFY, Anwar Othman and Karim (skinny) Abu. Age is indeed keeping up with them and indeed age is catching up as well. AAB is sympathetic. Very handicapped physically. AFY seemed to have that trace of that infamous "cheeky" look. Anwar is still having that "boyish" look and Karim is somewhat changing from skinny to well built. I do not know whether he is still timid as he was before or time has got into his way. I look forward to catch-up with the write-ups and hope to give my comments in no time. Or there isn't any that's worth commenting.
ReplyDeleteKomen Faithfully Yours di atas tu macam perli saja. Ikhlas ke tu?
ReplyDeleteYang penting adalah yang tersirat. Nampaknya Faithfully Yours sedang nembak peluru penabur. Adalah sesipa yag didendamnya sejak dahuu kala. Hehehe...
ReplyDeleteIs it worth the effort by publishing this book? Except for stories that refer to life during school days nothing much is said about developement of ex-TBS career and future guidance. Only the biographies are worth reading.
ReplyDeleteOh, FY u dah dapat one copy. Alhamdulillah. Disini ese ingin memohon kebenaran FY, Kich More, Sympathiser, Mikuman dan Razak Ujang untuk benar kan ese lberikan buku untuk saudara yang ada dalam simpanan saya kepada orang lain. Kerana ese tak do alamat sodara nak saya kirim kan. Hraplah halal kan perkara ini saudara. Terimakaseh. Kalau sodara nak buku ni silo lah bori se alamat untuk sayo tujukan.
ReplyDeleteI luv to see those pretty ladies who turned up during the launching ceremony. To name some, we notice the pretty and fabulous Dato' Nafsiah Abu Bakar, Datin Naz, Cikgu Halimah Abu Bakar, Puan Jainah Jantan, Datin Siti Ruhani Mohd. Yunus and Puan Hawa. They are beautiful babes, even though a little bit elderly. Then there was this actor Anjang Aki. Curiously, I kept wondering what was he doing in such an ackward place. Or he must be accompanying his lovely wife, who must be an ex-TBS.
ReplyDeleteKelemak Guy nobody is forcing u to read the book. Please reserve your comment. That would be good for every body! Its very very irritating!
ReplyDeleteCikgu Hamzah, apa ilmu yang cikgu guna kerana kelihatan muda sepanjang masa. Apabila melihat gambar cikgu dengan dua budak otai yang bersama cikgu saya rasa cikgu tak nampak tua pun pada hal cikgu dah mengajar sejak tahun 1960an lagi. Tahniah cikgu kerna terus awet muda. I love you Cikgu!
ReplyDeleteAnon, Anjang Aki is the loving hubby of Datin Naz. She is the sister of Datuk Nafsiah. Of course Datin Naz is an X-TBS.
ReplyDeleteAre these three lovely ladies - Dato' Nafsiah Abu Bakar, Datin Naz and Cikgu Halimah Abu Bakar - the famous Abu Bakar siblings?
ReplyDeleteNak tanya sikitlah kepada sesiapa yang berkenaan. Ese budak asrama TBS. Pada hari pelancaran dulu itu ada semacam gimik sebaik saja pelancaran dirasmikan oleh bekas pelajar TBS yang bergelar Dato'. Paras Dato' kita tu cantik dan kalau ikut istilah orang otai dulu-dulu masih bergetah dan kalau ikut orang generasi Y sekarang masih awek cun. Dalam gimik oleh sekumpulan pelajar TBS ada chnting seperti Sulat Kaba Lama, Selendang Sutera dan lain-lain. Tapi yang paling bergema dua benda inilah. Boleh jelaskan apa makna chanting ini yag berulang kali disebut.
ReplyDeleteSaya bangga apabila mendengar yang Dato' Nafsiah Abu Bakar pernah menjadi Head Girl di Sekolah Menengah TBS suatu ketika dahulu. Dan sekarang seorng pesara kerajaan dengan pernah menyadang jawatan Timbalan Ketua Pengarah sebuah kementerian yang penting dalam Kerajaan Malaysia. Tabik saya kepda kejayaan beliau. Salam daripada saya dari Orang Penajih.
ReplyDeleteAnon, kok nak tau lanjut cito selendang sotoro dan sulat kaba lama si layari blog Tampang. Ado cito yang amat menarek dari segi se lah. Timokaseh. Mang ado significant duo ungkapan tu.
ReplyDeleteOrang penajih, seharusnya anda bersyukur dan berbangga keatas pencapaian Datuk Nafsiaf. Kalau anda melihat maligainya lai kou topogun. Tompi Datuk amat tawadhu'.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Nafsiah dan Datin Naz Anjang aki are siblings. Cg Halimah Abu Bakar has only same surname.
ReplyDeleteThe book is handsomely packaged. Congratulations to the team involved in making a dream a reality. I have read some of the passages but there is one or two which raises my eyebrows. Anyway it does not matter because those episodes were long gone Just a memory of sort. I won't want to comment on any of the passages. But I am indeed thrilled by the fact that TBS has produced such a gem which I think no other schools in Malaysia could have done it. I notice that the personality who launched the book was an ex-TBS and was very much my junior. This is interesting. This Dato' Nafsiah Abu Bakar must be a former influential person in the ministry, probably at par with a few from TBS. If you would remember we have got another woman personality who was at par excellence with that of Dato' Nafsiah. If I am not mistaken this personality was in JPA by the name of Dato' Suriah Abd. Rahman. She was an ex-TBS too and she is from Gadong. Since i am not finished reading the book yet I will not give any comment. However, the one write-up that needs special mention is "An Ordeal of Raising Up A Special Child" by Abu Aman Bachik. It almost tears my heart apart. It is so convulsive. I must think the writer is a vey patient and compassionate man, but knowing the writer who would not have thought so. On the contrary, I got shooed away by " Selendang Sutera" and frankly speaking I love to hate this piece. Sorry to say-lah. I did not enjoy reading it, just wasting my effort and time. Again I want to congratulate those involved in the making of this wonderful piece of work. ind mind you this is not a magazine, my dear.It is "the book".
ReplyDeleteBaru saja baca komen Faithfully Yours di atas. Kenapa membeza-bezakan karya dalam buku ini. Pada saya setiap karya yang ditulis ada nilainya. Menyukai sesuatu karya dan menghentm yang lain hanyalah satu persepsi. Saya lihat Faithfully Yours seperti memendam seuatu dalam hati. Yang disukai dan yang dibenci. C'mon-lah baby (kalau u seorang wanita) atau guy. anggaplah semua tulisan dalam buku ini sebagai satu bahan bacaan yang dihasilkan oleh bekas-bekas pelajar TBS. Dan hargailah hasil tulisan seseorang. Faithfully Yours kalau betul-betul ikhlas sepatutnya menulis untuk buku ini. Salam persaudraan.
ReplyDeleteFy and Anti Hipokrit, thank u very much for both your comments up there. Both are well written. Lets all of us be broad -looking, and let anyone voice their opinion. Every one is entittled to his or on opinion and taste. Lets all comment so long as its not too irritating. Ok?
ReplyDeleteI agree fully with Abuaman Fadzil (funny name eh. It must be the combination of Abu Aman Bachik and Ahmad Fadzil Yassin), creater of this blog. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. My opinion is that it has been contaminated by my emotion and sentiment. It is prejudicial irrespective of what you have seen saying all along. I have my own sentiments and attitude towards both AAB and AFY. Frankly speaking I adore one but despise the other. So be it and what's wrong with that? Anti-Hipokrit can say anything he likes (or is he a she?) because he or she is an alien to my line of thinking and never experience such a painful inner feeling. So please look before you leap my dear. Or are you trying to diffuse the emotional tension.
ReplyDeletee it
There are 2 types of xstudents. One who benefitted from his/her alma mater, have sweet memories of schooling life enjoyed every bit of the time in school, with friends, teachres curriculum activities, extra-mural activities etc. and wish school never ends. The other type is the opposite. One who had not benefitted much, bitter about their life in school (reasons best known to them) and most of the time while in school embroiled in frustration, some times a loner with inferiority complex, struggled with his/her inner self while with friends, teachers and all other activities. The second type of person are the 'unsettled' and always lurch for opportunities to vent their frustration.They pounce on opportunities like this to get it off their chest that has been 'bersarang' within all these years.So, just ignore negative comments that churn out from negative vibes and do our BP a favour...
ReplyDeleteAre we going personal or are we focussing on the product, ie Suatu Ketika Di TBS. Forget about the x-students. Why don't we concentrate on how best we can approach to reviewing the book the Group has produced: The articles the write-ups etc.And please do not divide TBS students into groupings - the good and the bad. It does not serve any purpose. The comment by Anonymous above will make matters worse. To me the alma mater has done a good job fulfilling its function as an institution where boys and girls get their basic and formal education. And recognition we must.That's all I have to say and I apologize for my bad English.
ReplyDeleteHaiya, apa sudah jadi maa! ini komen semua ada baik dan ada tidak berapa baik. Kita sudah bikin ini buku. Ini Grup saya lihat banyak agus punya. Buku sudah cetak maa, apa lagi mahu gaduh-gaduh. Tak baik maa.
ReplyDeleteIt's because the comments by some are uncalled for and unnecessary. Let's go back to the main intend and purpose of publishing the SKDTBS. We are not in a Literature Class where students assessment and analysis are sought after. Most of the writers are non-wriiters themselves but they have the guts and 'semangat ke TBSan' tebal hingga ke hari ini and they to came forward and contribute. What puzzle me is if one can comment and have a flair for writing, come forward and contribute. Why shy away and wait for this moment to vent their frustration at them, the writers and personalities. Their (commenters) write ups and comments are as good if not better than the writers themselves. Let me relate you a story. many2 years ago I attended a PIBG meeting. There was this guy, a parent himself has nothing else to do but lambasting the AJK all the way. When voting came, the whole hall proposed that this smart alec be roped in the AJK. The demand was unanimous and overwhelming. He was somewhat cornered and arm twisted to accept the nomination. After a year, the AJK attendance sheet showed he could only attend 20% of the meetings and activities organised by PIBG. And when the next PIBG meeting came, he was given the honour to taste his own medicine.....In Malay we say, ' Cakap pandai, buat belum tahu. Komen seronok, tapi suruh buat dia buntu'...Sepatutnya hargai dan appreciate lah.Bukan negatif komen. Understand the spirit, intend and purpose in the first place.....
ReplyDeleteApabila membaca berbagai-bagai komen dalam FB Grup TBSST ada satu kelemahan yang agak glaring dalam buku SKDTBS yang baru diedarkan itu. Walaupun belum dapat senaskah tetapi dari cerita kawan-kawan kelemahannya ialah kurang sangat artikel yang menggunakan dialek N9. Sepatutnya loghat inilah yang sebaiknya diperbanyakkan agar ia menjadi identiti buku ini. Kalau boleh artikel dalam bahasa Inggeris itulah yang seharusnya dikurangkan. Kalau ini boleh dilakukan adalah dirasakan buku ini mencapai matlamatnya. Tetapi bak kata kawan ini yang penting cetak buku dulu. Kalau ada sambutan mungkin buek buku yang 100 peratus menggunakan dialek N9. Setidak-tidaknya orang di DBP terbuka matanya untuk meminta sesiapa menyusun kata dan istilah dialek N9 pula. Ini cadangan. Kita tinggalkan satu lagi legasi untuk anak cucu kita. What say you Presiden Grup TBSST. Kedua yang nak ditegur ialah ke mana menghiangnya Blog Tampang? Kan dah elok Grup ini ada blognya sendiri dan kini mengapa mesti menumpang di blog lain? Ini dah tak aci ni. Tolong fikir-fikirkan. Tahniahlah kepada semua yang telah berjaya mencetak buku ini.
ReplyDeleteSaya tertark hati dengan komen Anonymous 11 Januari. Kebanyakan kita adalah tukang cacat, sentiasa mencari jalan nak "balun" sesiapa sahaja dan berbuat apa sahaja. Contoh yang diberikan oleh Anonymous itu mungkin dapat menyedarkan tukang cacat ini bahawa dia hanya pandai buat komen dan semua orang tak betul dan dia seorang sahaja yang betul. Malah dalam kelompok mana-mana pun ada individu yang tak nak "appreciate" apa yang telah dibuat, waima memberikan sesuatu yang membawa erti kepada keseluruhan kelmpok. Terutama jika kegiatan itu dikaitkan dengan politik. Macam pencetakan buku ini seeloknyalah si tukang catat ini memberikan kata perangsang atau setidaknya memberikan bantuan ikhlas, tidak kiralah dalam bentuk apapun: nasihat, tenaga, waktu atau wang ringgit. Ini tidak melihat produk yng dihsilkan pun macam orang melihat "najis" dan enggan menyentuhnya. Yang paliknya mengapalah Allah menurunkan orang yag sedemikian angkuhnya. Saya tak faham. Betul-betul tak mengerti mengapa orang seperti ini lahir di dunia?
ReplyDeleteBrowsing through the book I keep asking myself wouldn't it be much better if the colours in the printed pages could be further enhanced. Probably there must be a way to make the pages look nicer and brighter. I hope someone can explain why the book looks so dull.
ReplyDeleteBudak simpang ompek jwapan eh sonang yo. Bori lah agung lobeh camno cantek pun buleh buek!
ReplyDeleteAnti Tukang Cacat...bukan kita tak boleh terima kritikan.We are all matured, educated, civilised adults.Tetapi ada komen2 yang dilontarkan adalah bersifat sengaja 'being anti-establishment' dan hanya tahu menidakkan apa sahaja yang telah susah payah diusahakan oleh mereka2 yang ikhlas dan melakukanya dengan sukarela. That's what got into our nerve. Lenggok bahasa dan nada ayat pun irritates one who reads....Thank you for your understanding
ReplyDeleteAbuaman Fadzil, pelik jugak camno nak dapek agung lobeh kau oghang somuo maleh cari agung. kalau agung kek stana jalan duta sokoping koghoteh agung pun kau takkan dapek. Poilah mongomih kek mosojid agung. Kan oghang N9 boguni-guni gambar agung disimpan eh. Ini tidak, hanya mengharapkan air turun dari langit. Where got meaning man. Satu laie hal yang memuakkan ado ko kau jumpo oghang godang yang kayo-ghayo toutama waghih Ghombau dan Tampin dan Johol. Kok tak ado jangan cakaplah nak buek buku. Ini bukan lair mongabihan bogheh yo doh topi buek kojo buloh kasap. Tau makno eh kan. Satu yang nak ditanyoan Tuan Presiden ado nyengseng soluar dan longan baju tak poie motong caghi agung. Kok caghi agung untuk tompolok sondighi jangan ckaplah kek sini. Naik moluat oghang donga eh. Lopeh itu coghito ontah apo-apo. Ini namo eh buek kojo tak ponugheh. Maaf yo kono cakap gak macam ni sobab apo yang dicakapkan ni cakap dopan-dopan. Tak ado doh cakap bolakang-bolakang walaupun poneng kopala oghang yang nyokek lado padi.Moluhalah kau podeh nak mampuih. Ghasoanlah. Oghag nyokek lado padi buek tumih yang kau nyokek lado api ngunyah camtu jo. Where got meaning Bro.
ReplyDeleteHampeh boto oghng yang moncaci dan molopehan gogham ni. Tak ado kojo lain asyik moncaci yo kojo kau Jang. Ini namo eh ghumah siap pahat masih bobunyi. Bilo nak buek buku bukan main boghapi kau oghang cakap, bila dah siap bukan main lontang-lontung kau mongumpat. Sampai tiang tongah ghumah pon kau nak pahat. Hampeh oghang mongapoah kau lahir di dunia ni. Monyomak jo. Duduklah ontok-ontok buek kojo kau sondighi. Tapi yolah bukankah kojo kau molontang-lontung momahat ghumah oghang. Tak cukup pahat kau gunoan tukul bosi. Omak ayah dan cikgu kau ngajar macam ni ko kek ghumah dan sokolah dulu. Aiyo kau ni patut kono hobin yo. Bia tokolosat. Gogham pulak donga eh. Buek salah tak buek salah.
ReplyDeleteTak banyak yang dapat dikomen untuk buku yang hampir selesai saya baca. Sikit sangat cacat-celanya. Banyak komen posiitif dan membina berbanding yang merapu. Yang merapu ini tidad kisah sangat nampaknya dengan susah payahnya tim yang menerbitkan buku ini. Tak usahlah gusar dengan member-member yang merapu ini. Juga terima kasih kepada sesiapa yang menghulurkn bantuan dari segi kewangan dan penulisan. Semoga diberkati Allah Yang Maha Esa. One mre thing I appreciate it if someone can revive the the Group's Blog TAMPANG. Kepada AAB terima kasih atas segala bantuan nasihaat. May Allah bess you, my Dear.
ReplyDeleteThe book looks ok. Not bad I like it except for the dull pictures. What matters most is that you have published a book and not a magazine like what other schools have produced year in year out.Isn't that outstanding.
ReplyDeleteIni sekadar nasihat daripada saya bekas pelajar TBS. Saya taklah pandai sangat tetapi taklah bodoh bona. Sekolah pun tak berapa. Tapi satu hal yang elok dilakukan oleh kumpulan yang menyiapkan buku ini. Memng buku ini menjadi satu legasi kepada bukan sahaj kepada alma mater kita tapi kepada seluruh bekas pelajar dan guru serta yang masih belajar di sekolah tersebut. Saya cadangkan kalau ada lebih naskah yang tinggal tolonglah edarkan ke seluruh sekolah di Rembau dan Tampin, terutamanya dan setiap sekolah di Negeri Sembilan. Setidak-tidaknya pengalaman dan catatan yang ada dalam buku itu dapat diketahui oleh semua pelajar baik yang dulu, sekarang mahupun masa depan. Memang susah nak edarkan tapi cobalah kerana manfaatnya dunia dan akhirat. Salam. Saya dah tengok buku ini memang bagus seluruhnya. Kalau ada kekurangan atau kelemahan itu biasa. Syabas!
ReplyDeleteThe best article ever written in this book is the one by Ashraf Manzoor. A very lengthy, detailed and resourceful. I like it. Should have more articles like this.The others are just ...bolehlah...
ReplyDeleteFY u can still browse Tampang. But AFY has decided not to post new articles to it. He decided to use sepanjang jalan kenanangan as his blog for future postings. You can follow it: wwwdakabeblogpotcom.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteFor those who commented meghapu tu beh baiklah tak usah komen. Its better for everyone of us. Its no good to irritate others. Let's live peacefully shall we!!!
After all the book has been published. Maghin sobolum di torobit an topokek tolalak editorian mintak sumbangan duit koh artikel koh sumo eh cam tikus jatoh ko bogheh cam batu jatuk ko lubok potai yo. Dah toghobit yo, eh bobunyi yo lak deh tu. Ado yo lak nang gata eh, ni lah tak boto tu lah tak kono. Nusio nusio!!!
I have had enough of the general attitude of the TBSST Group especially after going through comments and pictures in the Group's Facebook: Tunku Besar School Tampin. Except for a few, none has ever mentioned anything about the publication of the Group's Suatu Ketika Di TBS. Not even the President of the Group. Remember during the launching at the Alma Mater on 5th January 2014, before the book was officilly launched by YBhg. Dato' Nafsiah Abu Bakar, who came all the way from KL the President spoke at length about the history and the benefits of publishing the book especilly to the ex-TBS and the teachers. He spoke like a salesman promoting the book and reminded the audience how difficult the process was to get it printed. Then he praised those who had helped secure funds for the cost of the book. Some said that the President has the flair to speak in good Bahasa Melayu impromptu to the 200-strong audience. I thought he would have aired his views later or gave comments in the Facebook. But until today, after almost two weeks in the public no comments nothing from the No. 1 man. Almost none too fom the the Committee Members or the members of the Editorial Board except for one or two. But comments and views were a plenty in the Blog, which I think is not in the Group's Tampang. When I clicked the Blog most of the comments were from Anonymous and names which are not familiar as in the Facebook. I do not know who these comments were. As far as the Facebook is concerned these viewers are non-existent or they might use pseudonyms (most likely). Some comments were positive and constructive but many more were irritative, unfriendly and unscrupulous. And nobody was doing anything to deny or defend these negative views. To me all this will depend on the the President's responsibility.
ReplyDeleteFacebook adalah untuk suka-suka. Kita berbincang secara suka-suka. Kita mengingat kisah dulu-dulu, kisah sekarang dan kisah-kisah yang mengaitkan dengan isu atu kejadian yang berlaku. Kita cari tempat makan yang baik, makan yang sedap dan sembang-sembang. Kebanyakan pengguna facebook cuba mencari kawan lama dan berhubungan dengan satu dan yang lain. Inilah tujuan facebook. Jadi terserahlah kepada pengguna facebook untuk melakukan apa sahaja asal tidak menyalahi peraturan yang lazim dalam masyarakat. Jadi kalau Tn Presiden Grup tak berkutik dalam facebook untuk menulis pandangan dan pendapat atau komen itu bukan salah dia. Itu hak dia. Itu hak Tn Presiden. Dia nak tulis apa sahaja itu hak dia. Mungkin ada sebab dia berbuat begitu. Kita tak tahu. Jadi janganlah menuduh yang bukan-bukan kepada Tn Presiden. Jadi untuk Anonymous di atas dan siapa-siapa sahaja yang mahu meluahkan komennya luahkanlah. Tak kisah pun. Yang rajin membuat komen tulislah. Tapi jangan libatkan kegiatan orang lain. Geram pulak saya membaca komen di ateh ini. Janganlah gatal-gatal tangan sangat tak ada orang nak tolong garukan doh. Ok yo!
ReplyDeleteEse setuju dan memang hak masing-masing nak tulis ko atau nak nak tulih.Tn Presiden bueklah apo yang patut dan jangan pedulikan penggatal-penggatal tangan ni. Oghang macam ni tak ado kojo lain asyik nak mongumpek sajo. You have done a good job. Bilo ese maco Profil Pnulis dalam SKDTBS ese dah agak dah Tn Presiden kito ini bukan jonih yang "no nonsense" oghang eh dan bocakap serupo ikin punyo. Yang kau oghang semuo jeles sangat apo hal. You patut eh datanglah ko ghumah boliau 12 Jan lalu macam mana dio layan member-member yang hadir siap dengan jamuan yang sodap-sodap. Eh Bro. tolonglah bagilah Tn Presiden untuk berkuak sikit, some breezing space. Don't lah be like that.
ReplyDeleteThe TP or any members of the Committee is not obliged to reply to comments made in this Blog or any other platform. lebih2 lagi comments yang very irritating in nature that has hidden agendas and using pseudonyms. The proper platform for the TP or other Committee Members is the FB itself when every one know who we are dealing with and that's 'communication ethics'. If those who want answers, then please come out in the open and you will definitely get a proper true picture of what's going on with Grup TBSST, it's vision and mission and answers to what ever grey matters that is boggling your mind.
ReplyDeleteI don't give a damn to your comment, Tn. President. I will say what I want. I have the right yo say what Iwant.This is a free country.
ReplyDeleteBull shit Tn. President. You are not fit to be the Group's leader. Shame on you. Who do u think u are. Show your tolerence. U can get lost. You must earn respect.
ReplyDeleteWho cares whether u reply to our comments or not. We are here to express ourselves. We do not need anybody's obligation u moron.
ReplyDeleteSudahlah tu Tn. Presiden. Kasilah oghang lain jadi Presiden pulak. Oghang yang lebih toleren dan mahu mendegar hak oghang lain bersuara. U concentrate-lah on your sawit and all.
ReplyDeleteKenapa mesti minta Presiden digantikan? Dia ok per! Tiap hari dia bagi tau lauk sedap dan di mana. This is the best President we have had. Bukankah semua anggota grup ini suka makan. C'mon-lah Bro. We group together to eat good food.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing wrong with the President. He seems alright. In fact he has done a wonderful job by leaving a legacy behind when he successfully teamed up with his board of editorial advisors to publish and print a book which I presume no other schools in the country have embarked upon. This is awesome.
ReplyDeleteApo ghamai bebona yang tak suko kek TP kito ni. Cam lah orang yang tak suko bagus bona nak jadi TP. Tubuh an lah GRUP LAIN NAK NENGOK EH HA. Cakap berdoga doga ekor berbelumang taik. Sudah lah. Cubo lah nengok eh ha!!!!
ReplyDeleteYang ado tu la elok di sokokng, bori lah cadangan mebeno. Ngan nak lopeh an goram yo!
Certainly some comments are purely meant to annoy or irritate and that person take pleasure in doing so. It must come from some one sick inside.Full of vengeance and have been boiling and keeping inside for decades and alas found an opportunity or platform to vent his anger and frustration and take on the TP. Our TP in Grup TBSST was not voted by hands.He was asked to be TP because we feel and realise that he has the qualities and capable of leading the Grup. He did not asked for the post, but in appreciation and as show of respect for the members, he accepted the post. Some commented and for the sake of commenting that come from disgruntled people.This disgruntled feeling must have 'bersarang' for a very long time and now taking it off his chest. You are sick mann!!
ReplyDeleteGhazali Yasin: Biarlah oghang di luar tu monyalak. Kito di dalam ini aman. Alhamdulillah!
ReplyDelete10 hours ago · Like · 1
Ishak Othman: Boto tu bang, sotakat komen sumo oghang buleh. Cubo sughoh buek kojo mmg gerenti cabut laghi.
10 hours ago · Like · 2
Jamilah Ujang: Ghazali Yasin,kadang2 manusia ni ibarat anjing menyalak lembu makan rumput.Anjing tu sendiri memang x boleh makan rumput tetapi sebab perasaan x puas hati ,biar lembu tu pun x boleh makan.
8 hours ago · Like · 1
Car Lim Aboo: Datin memang boto dulu orang x tu ingat kumpulan kito ni tak mampu nak menulis apatak lagi nak menerbitkan buku..sekarang dah timbul perasaan dengki.....pahat gumah yg dah siap dah macam lombu...
8 hours ago · Like · 1
Jamilah Ujang: Car Lim Aboo,biarkan si luncai terjun dgn labu2nya.Kita memang bernasib baik duduk dlm grup kita sekarang.Kita bekerja sama dgn ikhlasnya bukan mencari namo jauh lagi mencari keuntungan.Kita ada AFY yg memang dah banyak mengeluarkan buku2 tulisan nya.Kita ada TP Zahriman Alias yg tegas dan fokus.Gy ,Ashraf yg amat komited dgn kerja2nya.Penyumbang2 karya yang bertungkus lumus menyiapkan karya masing2.Dermawan2 yang banyak menyumbang dgn ikhlasnya.Semua ini kalau tidak ada kerjasama dan semangat setia kawan,pada pendapat saya buku kita ini x mungkin dapat di keluarkan dalam jangka masa yg begitu singkat.Alhamdulillah.
7 hours ago · Like
Abu Aman Bachik: Mang boto datin. Yang paling ponting kito dapek sokongan dari kengkawan dari segi ongkosnya. Kalau tiada sumbangan ikhlas dari mereka susah juga kita. Allah maha kaya. Tiada apa yang mustahil bagi NYA.
7 hours ago · Like
Abu Aman Bachik: Baru baco yang last tu was very well written. Nusio cemacam gagam eh!
ReplyDelete7 hours ago · Like
Mohamad Ayob Hasim: Oghang kek lua tu nak monyalak kito tak mampu nak tahan bia yo lah.Kito buek dan piki untuk kito ini yang mampu kito buek.
5 hours ago · Like · 1
Zahriman Alias: Ado banyak komen yang positif dalam blog tu, sikit yo yang negatif. Janganlah ambik ati bona. Kito dah buek yang terbaik Kito buek buku dulu pun sobab kito suko nak buek, nak puehkan hati kito bukan untuk puehkan hati dio orang. Mungkin yang bagi komen kritikal tu bermaksud baik untuk menegur beberapo kesilapan kocik kito....takpolaa....kito terimo togoran tu.
Tapi ado pulak yang marah bona kek sei, tak tau pasal apo....mulo2 dio bongeh sobab sei tak bagi komen balas dalam blog tu....tapi kemudian bilo sei koba sei tak respon sobab mereko tu menulis secaro anonymous, dan sei maleh nak layan orang2 anon ni, dio molonting2 pulak marah kek sei, sampai panggil sei moron, suruh sei resign.....buek apo respon, memang dah dasar sei tak nak bercakap dongan orang2 menyurok disebalik topeng2....dio ingat dio bebas untuk bersuaro kalau orang tak konal dio....tu maleh sei nak layan. Tapi dio nak marah buek apo, dio sendiri dah cakap this is free country, cakapla apo korang nak cakap, sei tak kisah pun...dalam blog tu memang bebas....cakaplaa...cakaplaaa....nobody is stopping you.
Lagi satu sei nak koba, dio orang tu bunyi garang sobab ingat orang tak konal dio...... Tapi jangan konfiden bona ingat orang tak boleh konal awak.....Kan susah bona nak siasat sapo2 yang guno tipon mudah alih dan internet ni doh....kau lalu kek mano2 tompek, tower celcom tu pun boleh konal kau lalu kek mano dan pukul berapo.....
4 hours ago · Like
Ahmad Fadzil Yassin: Sayo pon dah tuli dongan komen-komen positif dan negatif ini. Sojak mulo monulih dalam suratkabar, majalah dan kemudian buku pado tahun 1965 sampailah sekarang (hampir 48 tahun) sayo dah tak kisah lagi doh. Nak komen positif toghimo nak komen negaif toghimo. Bak kato bos-bos sayo di Berita Harian, Dewan Bahaso dan kemudian di Fajar Bakti kalau takut dilambung ombak jangan boghumah di topi pantai. Jadi mereka solalu nasihatkan pokakkan tolinga dan butokan mato kalau nak kocimpung dalam dunia penulisan dan persuratan. Jadi komen-komen yang kito baco dlam entri yang berkait dongan pelancaran buku Suatu Ketika Di TBS itu tak menjadi kudis. Hanya kito kosian kopado Tn Presiden kito yang tak ado sangkut-paut dongan pombikinan buku ini socara langsung tokono tompieh eh yang agak ekstrim. Sepattnya yang bagi komen itu berdopan dongan sidang pengarag Grup ini untuk melopehkan perasaan. Baghulah fair. Apapun toghima kasihlah koghano memberikan komen. Itu tandonya komuniti kito terutamanyo dan oghang luar umumnyo mengikuti perkembangan grup kito.
25 minutes ago · Like
Nasa Abu Bakar: Ini adalah pandangan peribadi saya berkaitan dgn Buku sulung Grup TBSST berjodol 'Suatu Ketika Di TBS'. Saya sangat kagum dengan semangat Grup ini yg rata2 mereka dlm usia Emas dan hanya segelintir shj yg hampir ke gerbang usia Emas. Malah ada diantara mereka boleh mengalahkan orang muda cara2 mereka bekerja dgn penuh disiplin untuk menerbitkan Buku tersebut dlm jangka masa yg terlalu singkat. Yg paling saya sanjung ada lah semangat setiakawan yg diulurkan baik dari tenaga mahu pun kewangan. Ini jarang2 sekali kita dapati dari mana2 kumpulan lebeh2 lagi dlm lenkongan usia emas mereka. Satu penghormatan yg patut diberi kpd Grup ini. Syabas dan Tahniah Wagieh2 semua. Jangan lah kita kisahkan kritikan2 yg tidak memberi menafaat se sen pun kpd kita ... mereka2 ini boleh lah di umpamakan sebagai ' Sour Grapes'. Jenis ini memang berada di mana2 shj dan itu lah yg mereka pakar. Lazim nya spesis ini sentiasa berada ditakok lama sahaja. Saya sangat setuju dgn Sdr Fadzil yg dah ada tenaga untuk menerbitkan Buku Ke 2. Insyaa Allah perkara yg baik itu akan direstui oleh semua pihak. Amin.
ReplyDelete4 hours ago · Unlike · 2
Abu Aman Bachik: Nasa thank you very very much for your wonderful komen.
If I may add the species sour grapes ni jenis hamba allah yang kecewa. Nak buat tak buleh, tak tau. Jadi apo orang buek, terutamo yang baik, kondem an lah. Itu yo yang meko tau!
4 hours ago · Like · 1
Ahmad Fadzil Yassin: Bagi sayo tiap sosuatu komen yang ditulih tu ado hikmahnyo. Paling ia monguji kosabaran kito di samping monolanjangkan "kobobrokan" cagho bofike yang kito anggap spesi sour grapes itu.
51 minutes ago · Like
Zahriman Alias: Terima Kasih Nasa Abu Bakar atas kata2 yang memberi inspirasi dan menguatkan lagi semangat sillatulrahim di antara kita.
47 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
This is a free country and that everyone has the right to say anything according to his or her belief so long as it is within the country's legal framework. Unless you are not libel or slanderous no one is stopping you. But the President's above remark like "kan susah bona nak siasat sapo.." was threatening. And I do not think he is in the position to extract anything from anywhere if someone may wish to say anything contrary to his "fragile" and unpredictable mood. Boy! this is not a police country and neither the country is under a dictator. Please read the Constitution. Threatening remarks will only reflect your mettle. Being a President you should be "cool" and responsive. I wish I could see remarks and comments from the other reasonable ex-TBS like Abu Aman Bachik or Muhammad Ibrahim which are comparatively courteous and unemotional as seen in the Group's FB. So far there is nothing irrational or threatening coming from thee two gentlemen. To me there are still many such ex-TBS personalities who could lead the Group. People with sound and reasonable mind and mood. Wake-up Bro. President! We will surely be with you if you have the mettle.
ReplyDeletei have read it all. It's awesome and I could not have thought that this book is of a very high standard. Forget about some silly and "inevitable" minor errors. I will treasure the book and it really is a book every ex-TBS should be proud of. I am very-very happy indeed and it's worth donating. I have spoken to some close friends asking for their opinions. Almost all of them gave their thumbs up. Congratulations to the Group who took the initiative and got the work done. Especially to the President of the Group, who was a few years my junior.You are a darling. And of course to AAB. And not in the least GY and AFY. All of you were inspirational. Special mention to the late Mohd Zain Mohd Yassin, once a very close friend of mine.He was a gem.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, thank you very much for your constructive comments.
ReplyDeleteFY, do u know that u r a darling and a gem too, to the Group? Do u realise that ur and ur friends contribution which amounted to 2k, was a big boost to the project? Ur efforts were really commendable and hope that only Almighty Allah will repay ur good deeds. As for me on behalf of the committee, I can only say a BIG THANK YOU once again. May Allah bless u all.
A small contribution from our Group of Mavericks. But we are not the Maverick who gambled if we were to compare our contributions to TBSST Group. We were genuine contributors, only short of revealing our identity as a group. We will always back you because we know most of us were x-TBS. I was not but that does not mean I am being singled out. Dato' Nafsiah Abu Bakar was from TBS and she was a profile whom we respect a lot. She ws with MITI and we knew her as an officer well-disciplined and dedicated. We will assist the Group if you wish to propose other projects which may need assistance in the form of financial donation. The book is a class of its own, never mind about the minor errors but it is awesome considering the team who published it was " a bunch of otai" from your alma mater. The best part it is this book was being handled by everyone that was TBSian. I mean from the moment it was proposed, managed and later launched. Yes, everyone was TBSian. On behalf of the Mavericks Group I offer you my standing ovation. May Allah bless you all. Salam.
ReplyDeleteSuch nice words from a non TBSian. On behalf of the committee, thank u very very mucd Mikuman. Certainly your support is most welcome. A BIG THANK YOU AGAIN.GOD BLESS U TOO.